February 21, 2008

Dear Friends & Family:

We met with the team of specialists at Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital this week that will be delivering our baby. At that time, we actually received good news. During our echo cardiograham, they were able to identify a pulmonary artery on our baby. They won't know how functional it is until after the catheterization procedure (they also see collaterals which suggests that it's very small) but the fact that it's there improves our surgical survival odds and baby's future quality of life prognosis. Based on this finding, they have already scheduled surgery for our baby to insert a temporary shunt. If the cardiac catheterization does not show blood flow through that artery, or the presence of a ductus arteriosus (basically a connection that allows blood to flow from the heart to the lungs), they will cancel it and wait to surgically repair the heart once the baby is a little bigger. As of now, the following are the schedule of dates targeted:

*Tuesday, March 4th* - Check into Hollywood Presbyterian for induction late evening.
*Wednesday, March 5th* - Labor induction and delivery of baby in early morning hours (baby to be transferred next door to CHLA once stable as previously described in last email).
*Thursday, March 6th* - Cardiac Catheterization Procedure (a little earlier than we wanted but this is the date that works best with the hospital and Cardiologists).
*Monday, March 10th* - SURGERY - Open heart surgery performed by Dr. Starnes to insert a temporary shunt in the pulmonary artery to maintain blood flow until the baby is bigger and the heart defect can be repaired.

We will update again if any of these dates change. Otherwise, we will email from the hospital as the situation develops. Once again, thanks to all of you for your prayers and support.

With love,

Erik & Trisha


Pray that Trisha does not go into labor early./
Pray that the delivery goes smoothly and a c-section is NOT needed./
Pray that the baby is in good condition upon delivery (there's a HUGE degree of variance possible)./
Pray that the Cardiac Catherterization procedure on March 6th is successful and that the pulmonary artery is viable./
Pray that the surgery on March 10th (if needed) is successful./
Pray for Shayna, Noah, Kyla and Kaylee during the next few weeks. Pray for comfort, love and understanding./
Pray for Erik & Trisha. This is the most difficult time of our life. Pray for strength and comfort./