March 20, 2008

All -

Today was slow & steady progress. Doctors discovered the source of the infection was from the urine flowing back to the kidneys from the bladder (which then got into the blood stream). The anti biotic did its thing--his fever is down and the tests for the infection are now negative. :) Because of the infection, the urology team wants to surgically repair the kidney/bladder problem as soon as possible. This could easily cause another infection which is life threatening with his compromised immune system. However, he is too little right now. They hope to schedule surgery when he is about 2 months (1st week of May).
The plan for tomorrow is to put in a picline (long term central IV) so that they can take out his central line which is now 10 days old and a potential source of infection. If that goes well and the infection continues to be managed they will make an attempt to get off the ventilator again as early as tomorrow afternoon. Because of the blood infection, Nate will require 10 days of IV antibiotics. So, he will be in the hospital at least 8 more days!

Please pray that the infection continues to be controlled and that he is able to get off the ventilator soon. He is 15 days old and we've only held him 3 times. Hospital days will be a lot more tolerable if we are able to hold him.

Thanks to all for your support & prayers.

Erik & Trisha

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