Sunday, March 23, 2008 - Easter

Happy Easter all!

Sorry we didn't update yesterday. The kids are here for the weekend and we had a late night at the hospital.

Yesterday turned out to be a very good day. Nate looked a lot better in the morning. His color was back and he was moving around a lot like a normal newborn would (something he hasn't done yet). All his blood tests for the infection were significantly improved. The lab identified the infection as being E. coli. The doctors told us that this type of infection will put even the healthiest adult in the hospital so it's amazing that little Nathan (with his compromised immune system) recovered so well. They will continue to manage the infection and will put him on low dose antibiotics after these are finished until he has his kidney surgery.

They weaned him off of the ventilator yesterday morning and he looked great so at 3:20pm, they extubated (took it out). He did really well this time. He's been breathing faster than they would like but everything else looks great.

Today, Nate is still off the ventilator, and breathing only with the help of a vapo therm device (heated, pressurized, oxygenated air flowing through a nose plug thingy). No major changes planned for today--the plan is still to ween off his IV meds (only 1 left). Then tomorrow, they will try and ween off of the vapo therm. Once he is off that, they will start trying to feed him.

Nate is now 18 days old and we were able to hold him for the 4th time (hopefully the 5th tonight). Shayna was also able to hold him for the 1st time. It's been a very different Easter for us this year but getting the chance to hold him today made everything ok. Please pray that he continues to progress and move forward. Pray that he is able to slow down his breathing and eliminate his dependency on the vapo therm.
Blessings to all!

Erik & Trisha